Virasak Dungsrikaew

Mastering Kotlin's Companion Objects

KotlinProgrammingCompanion Objects

Kotlin, the versatile and expressive programming language, offers a unique feature known as Companion Objects. These objects play a vital role in Kotlin, providing a way to define static-like members for classes. In this blog post, we will explore what Companion Objects are, how they work, and how they enhance the functionality and structure of Kotlin classes.

What are Companion Objects?

Companion Objects in Kotlin serve a similar purpose to static members in other languages. However, in Kotlin, there are no static members within classes. Instead, you can define properties and functions directly on a class itself using Companion Objects. This object is shared among all instances of the class and can hold methods and properties that are not tied to specific instances but are still related to the class.

Declaring Companion Objects

To declare a Companion Object, you use the companion object keyword within a class. Any properties or methods defined inside this block belong to the Companion Object.


class MyClass {
    companion object {
        fun create(): MyClass {
            return MyClass()

In this example, the create function is defined inside the Companion Object of MyClass. It can be accessed without creating an instance of MyClass.

Benefits of Companion Objects

  1. Static-Like Behavior: Companion Objects provide a way to achieve static-like behavior, allowing you to call functions and access properties without an instance of the class.

  2. Encapsulation: You can encapsulate utility methods related to a class within its Companion Object, promoting a clean and organized code structure.

  3. Readability: By grouping related methods and properties together, Companion Objects enhance code readability, making it clear which functionalities are closely related to the class.

  4. Integration with Interfaces and Abstract Classes: Companion Objects can implement interfaces and extend abstract classes, providing additional functionality to these constructs.


Companion Objects in Kotlin are a powerful tool for organizing code and providing static-like behavior when needed. By understanding how to use Companion Objects, developers can create more modular and readable codebases. Whether you're creating utility functions, factory methods, or constants related to a class, Companion Objects offer an elegant and structured solution.

As you continue your Kotlin journey, embrace the versatility of Companion Objects in your projects. By doing so, you'll enhance the maintainability and structure of your code, ensuring a smooth and efficient development process.

Stay tuned for more insights into Kotlin's unique features. Happy coding!