Virasak Dungsrikaew

Demystifying Kotlin's Sealed Classes

KotlinProgrammingSealed Classes

Kotlin, a language designed for modern development, introduces a unique feature called Sealed Classes. Sealed Classes are a powerful tool for modeling restricted class hierarchies. In this blog post, we will explore what Sealed Classes are, how they work, and how they enhance the safety and structure of Kotlin codebases.

What are Sealed Classes?

Sealed Classes in Kotlin are used to represent restricted class hierarchies. Unlike regular classes, instances of sealed classes can only be of the declared types. This restriction allows the Kotlin compiler to perform exhaustive type checking, ensuring that all subclasses of a sealed class are known and handled.

Declaring Sealed Classes

To declare a sealed class, use the sealed keyword before the class keyword.


sealed class Result {
    data class Success(val data: String) : Result()
    data class Error(val message: String) : Result()
    object Loading : Result()

In this example, Result is a sealed class with three subclasses: Success, Error, and Loading. Each subclass can have its own properties and methods.

Exhaustive Type Checking with Sealed Classes

One of the main benefits of sealed classes is exhaustive type checking. When working with sealed classes, Kotlin's compiler can analyze code to ensure that all possible subclasses are handled.

Example: Using Sealed Classes in a When Expression

fun handleResult(result: Result) {
    when (result) {
        is Result.Success -> println("Success: ${}")
        is Result.Error -> println("Error: ${result.message}")
        Result.Loading -> println("Loading...")

In this example, the when expression covers all possible subclasses of the sealed class Result. If a new subclass is added in the future, the compiler will issue a warning if it's not handled in the when expression, ensuring safety and preventing unintended bugs.

Benefits of Sealed Classes

  1. Exhaustive Type Checking: Sealed classes enable exhaustive type checking, ensuring that all subclasses are handled, leading to safer and more robust code.

  2. Clear Hierarchies: Sealed classes make class hierarchies explicit and clear, improving code readability and maintainability.

  3. Enhanced Pattern Matching: Sealed classes work seamlessly with pattern matching constructs like when, enabling concise and expressive code.

  4. Data Modeling: Sealed classes are ideal for modeling states, expressions, or results with a limited set of possibilities.


Kotlin's Sealed Classes are a fundamental feature for writing robust, type-safe code. By restricting class hierarchies and enabling exhaustive type checking, sealed classes enhance the safety and reliability of Kotlin applications. Whether you're modeling states in UI components, representing API responses, or handling different scenarios, sealed classes offer a structured and elegant solution.

As you explore Kotlin further, consider incorporating sealed classes into your projects. By leveraging this feature, you'll ensure that your code is not only safer but also more maintainable and resilient to changes.

Stay tuned for more deep dives into Kotlin's unique features. Happy coding!