Virasak Dungsrikaew

What is 11ty?


11ty, also known as Eleventy, is a static site generator that allows developers to create fast and flexible websites. It's a simple tool that can be easily integrated into a project, making it a popular choice among developers.

One of the main benefits of using 11ty is its performance. Static sites, which are built using tools like 11ty, are generally faster and more secure than dynamic sites that rely on databases. This is because static sites are pre-built and served as is, without the need to query a database or run server-side code on each request. This makes static sites ideal for sites that don't need frequent updates or that receive a lot of traffic.

Another advantage of 11ty is its flexibility. It supports a wide range of template languages, including popular options like Nunjucks, Liquid, and Handlebars. This means that developers have the freedom to choose the language that best fits their needs and skillset.

One of the key features of 11ty is its ability to create and manage collections of content. Collections allow developers to group related content, such as blog posts or products, and access them through a central location. This makes it easier to manage and display the content on a website.

11ty also has a strong developer community, with a wealth of resources and support available online. This includes a comprehensive documentation site, as well as a number of community-developed plugins and templates that can be easily integrated into projects.

In summary, 11ty is a powerful and flexible static site generator that is well-suited to a wide range of projects. Its performance, flexibility, and strong developer support make it an attractive choice for developers looking to create fast and efficient websites.